Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Vol.48 No.4 Oct 2002
研究報文 | |
Michio Tsutsumi, Masae Shiyomi and Shigeo Takahashi Detecting the Spatial Pattern of a Plant Population in Grassland Vegetation at Varying Scales Using Binary Data | 303-310 |
Wempie PAKIDING and Masahiko HIRATA Canopy dynamics in a bahiagrass(Paspalum notatum Flugge) pasture under cattle grazing: Structural components responsible for variations in herbage mass | 311-316 |
Shin-ichiro OGURA, Takuma NAKAHARA and Masahiko HIRATA Spatial distribution of herbage consumption by cattle in a bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pasture monitored two-dimensionally | 317-325 |
Masahiko HIRATA, Koji EGUCHI, Tetsuo TAKAYOSHI, Shiho OSAFUNE, Kiyoko OKIMATSU and Nami YAMAMOTO Response of Bahiagrass (Poaspalum notatum Flugge) Sward to Cutting Heght 4. Canopy structure and light extinction | 326-331 |
AIBIBULA Yimamu, Masaaki HANADA and Meiji OKAMOTO Nitrogen digestion in the rumen and small intestine of steers grazing Orchardgrass and Meadow fescue pastures | 332-339 |
Tomoko Nishida, Shunji Kurokawa, Yoshinori Yoshimura, Osamu Watanabe, Shohei Shibata and Norihisa Kitahara Effect of Temperature and Retention Time in Cattle Slurry on Weed Seed Vaiability | 340-345 |
三枝俊哉・手島茂樹・小川恭男・高橋俊 北海道におけるケンタッキーブルーグラス(Poa pratensis L.)放牧草地の造成技術 1.ケンタッキーブルーグラスの発芽・定着と初期生育に及ぼす播種量、除草剤処理、鎮圧法および掃除刈の影響 | 346-351 |
須藤賢司・落合一彦・池田哲也 搾乳牛の放牧草採食量に放牧草の量と栄養価、補助飼料摂取量、乳量および草種が及ぼす影響 | 352-357 |
短 報 | |
Michio Tsutsumi, Masae Shiyomi, Shusuke Sato and Kazuo Sugawara Relationship between the Spatial Heterogeneity of Plant Biomass and Biomass Available to Grazing Animals in a Grassland: A Simulation | 358-361 |
Bryan Kindiger Callus induction and plant regeneration in Tall Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Barkw & D.R.Dewey) | 362-365 |
中澤亮二・佐藤泰夫・成川和良・武長宏・前田良之 トールフェスク(Festuca arundinacea Schreb)の耐塩性におけるグルタチオンの寄与 | 366-368 |
特集 わら類の有効活用とその展望 | |
後藤正和 わら類を活用した地域リサイクル飼料の加工調製 | 369-370 |
永西 修 稲わらの飼料としての再評価 | 371-378 |
後藤正和 肉牛肥育における稲わら給与効果と水稲栽培技術 | 379-391 |
吉田宣夫 わら類のアルカリ処理と利用 | 392-397 |