JST公募情報/JST Public Calls for Proposals

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JST国際部より、戦略的国際共同研究プログラム(SICORP)EIG CONCERT-Japan第11回「持続可能な農業のためのデジタルトランスフォーメーションとロボティクス」領域の日欧共同研究の公募開始の案内が届きました。













The JST International Department has sent an invitation for applications for the 11th Japan-Europe Joint Research in the area of “Digital Transformation and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture” of the Strategic International Collaborative Research Programme (SICORP) EIG CONCERT-Japan.

——–Call for proposals——–

Area of the call: Digital Transformation and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture

■Purpose of the call:

Agriculture is at the centre of global issues such as climate change and food security. Meanwhile, the rapid development of artificial intelligence and improvements in digital technology and robotics offer promising avenues for transforming agriculture. This call for proposals aims to foster research that draws on the respective strengths of Japan and Europe, harnessing the power of digital technology and robotics to address the problems of modern agriculture and pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient agriculture.

Deadline for applications: 17:00, Tuesday 23 July 2024 (JST)

Period of support: 3 years (planned)

Scale of support: Up to a total of 18.2 million yen per proposal (including 30% indirect costs).

Planned number of projects to be supported: 6

For details on the application process, please refer to the following URL



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