IGC Continuing Committee,
The Call for Papers had been extended until Dec 23. We had a good number (something between 400-500) submitted by the original deadline, but felt that there were likely more researchers who would be interested in submitting a paper. This was especially true within Africa, since advertising was late reaching some of the countries on the continent. I’ve attached the full Call for Papers and the one page Call for Papers. Please distribute these to organizations within your region.
Also, encourage young scientists to apply for delegate support. And some of you may wish to apply for delegate support. The deadline is Feb 29. I have placed the link below:
Delegates can apply for support from the National Organizing Committee. However, delegates are encouraged to first apply for support to other organizations, as funds are limited. The CLOSING DATE for application is: 29th February 2020. The ADVICE date when delegates will be advised of the success or otherwise of their application is: 30th April 2020.
( https://igandircongress2020.dryfta.com/sponsorship/delegate-support-application-form)