宮崎大会講演資料受付(2/21~3/7 17時まで)/ Miyazaki Annual Meeting presentation slides are now being accepted (2/21 – 3/7 5:00 p.m.)




ファイル名を講演番号と講演者名(講演番号 -氏名)で保存し,

presentation2025@grasslandscience.jpn.org まで添付ファイルとして提出ください。(ファイル開封にPWが必要な場合は忘れずに本文中にご記載ください)

なお, PDFファイルは送信前に必ずご自身で動作確認をお願いします。


PDFファイル受付後, 2日以内(土日祝日を除く)に大会事務局より受領メールを返信いたします。

受領メールが届かなかった場合は,meeting2025@grasslandscience.jpn.org までご連絡ください。


Presentation materials for the Miyazaki Conference are available from February 21, through March 7, at 17:00.

Only PDF files will be accepted for presentation materials.

Please save the file name with the presentation number and the name of the speaker (presentation number – name).

Please submit the file as an attachment to presentation2025@grasslandscience.jpn.org.

Please make sure to check the operation of the PDF file by yourself before sending it.

The conference secretariat will reply to your e-mail address within 2 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) after receiving the PDF file.


If you do not receive the e-mail, please contact meeting2025@grasslandscience.jpn.org.
